Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Art Imitates Life Again

I just started reading The Wierd Sisters by Eleanor Brown. The wierd sisters, named after the witches in Macbeth, are three sisters in their thirties who find themselves living back at home with their parents. Their father, a college professor, has named them Rosalind, Biana, and Cordelia, and he quotes extensively and exclusively from Shakespeare.Their mother is fighting cancer. One line of the book lifted itself up and offered itself to me last week when I read, "First there was a lump. And then there was a biopsy. And now we are a family who is dealing with the word 'Malignant'."  While my siblings and I aren't named after Shakespearean characters, and we don't live at home, we are in our thirties, my father does often shamelessly quote from Shakespeare, and my Mom is now battling cancer. We are too now one of those families who is "dealing with the word 'Malignant'." But the cancer is contained and Mom is strong."Out, out damned spot!" we say, and in the meantime, we'll, "screw our courage to the sticking place. . ."

1 comment:

  1. Anything in Shakespeare about a "Wrath of Cath?" Just wonderin'.
