Monday, August 8, 2011

Be careful what you pray for

Only one other time since the birthing of this blog have I written about a mess, and since this IS "themessilife" I have obviously been slacking in my tell-the-world-how-it-really-is duties. In order to remedy such a horrible bit of laziness, and to reflect on how God's ways are not our own--especially when it comes to answering prayers,  I thought I might share the mess of a day I just had.

Began with over-sleeping so there was no 2 mile run for me. Shouldn't be a problem, except that I've already gained at least 7 pounds this summer and the pants just strained a little too much around the hips this morning. Lovely start. Feeling messy and frumpy.

Once at school with two boys who didn't really want to be there, I thought I would make my way down my to-do list like an OCD rockstar. Well, the listing-making gods were having none of it. Tried to put something away in the book room only to discover that 12 more boxes of #$!@#! books had been delivered, waiting patienly for me to put them on shelves. Which was a problem because the last time I spent eight hours (yep, count 'em) putting away massive shipments of books (1300 to be exact) I THIOUGHT THAT WAS ALL THAT WAS COMING, so I organized accordingly. Nope. Now there are more books, and no shelf space. I was thrilled. After an hour of sweating and sneezing in dirty book room (whoa, that sounded more interesting that it was) I once again thought to approach my to-do list. This time I was going to cover my bulletin board in new fun fabric. But, um, it was too short. There were absolutely no cuss words coming out of my mouth as I stretched, cut, stapled and fumed my way through that little endeavor. At that point, I thought maybe I could really make some headway on the list, but um, nope. I had already spent two hours at school and was needed at home by daughter.

Once at home, sustained by some protein-packed yogurt, and boys trundled off to play baseball with friends, I thought, okay, NOW I might accomplish something. This time though, the weather gods let loose a torrential downpour so I took off to rescue my boys and the neighbor boys. At the ball field I saw in front of me four muddy children with grass-covered shoes and bikes covered in sand and dirt. I managed to convince them to ride their dirty little selves back to our house and play basketball instead.

Okay. NOW I could focus, type up a syllabi or two . . .until one little friend came in to use the restroom. And then came out saying, "Um, I flooded the bathroom." And, he was right. Two inches of water covering the entire floor, the toliet churning like a waterfall, and the hallway carpet already soaking it up--and I don't think if I need to describe what "it" is.

I think maybe God heard my prayer--the one about being released from my OCD?

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