Thursday, November 10, 2011

She's 20

The little blond urchin, in love with all things Disney--okay, all things Disney Princess and Lion King--turns 20 today. So much fun watching her grow-up. It doesn't hurt that she is happily studying history at my alma mater, and is an active in my dear old sorority, but even if all of that weren't true (which happily it is!) I am so proud of the woman that she is becoming. I wish I could offer to her all of the things that I now know that I certainly didn't at the age of 20--but that is not to be, as I wouldn't want to rob her of her own beautiful growth even if she did want her stepmom's wisdom (not!). She has so much in front of her yet--right on the cusp of all that life has to offer, and it takes my breath away for her. Perhaps that is the gift of this age--everything is still possible, yet, when one is 20, one is blissfully unaware of this overwhelming that is waiting right around the corner. One lives in the moment when they are 20, and, I think, this is the way that it is meant to be. Regardless, it does indeed seem like yesterday that we were helping her tie her shoes, look behind the seat for stuffed Simba, watching the Little Mermaid over and over again, and painting her room purple.

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