Thursday, December 22, 2011

December 22nd

Sort of a nothing day. And I'm feeling like I belong right squarely in the middle of this "nothingness." Sitting on the couch, nursing a full-blown head/chest cold, aimlessly surfing the net, looking at two baskets of unfolded laundry, and pausing occasionally to referee a disturbance of the brotherly sort, I am feeling very unChristmaslike.

I've been reading Advent materials, seasonal blog entries, even trying the Christmas Carol CDs, but not much is moving me towards "that Christmas feeling." Maybe some snow would help? But for some reason even if we got snow right this minute, it would seem like so much of an afterthought. Hm. I even bought a more-than-usual supply of goods to bake sugar cookies and gingerbread men, but the very much unbaked supplies are still in the cupboard--in part because we still have so many leftover sweets from school, that it seems only right to eat those first. In part, because, well, it seems like a lot of work to mix, roll, cut, and decorate all of those not-at-all helpful-to-my-health treats.

It seems that we have been shopping, wrapping, and decorating for quite some weeks, but those weeks have felt like October outside. Ah, well, maybe some years are just this way? Or maybe it is the cold medicine.

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